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Renowned Speakers

Nicholas Kitchin

Nicholas Kitchin

Senior Director in Pfizer’s Vaccine Clinical Research UK



Co-Director of the Institute of Infection UK

Kei Amemiya

Kei Amemiya

US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, USA

Asmaa McGowan

Asmaa McGowan

PhD, DelSiTech Ltd, Finland

Randa Hamadeh

Randa Hamadeh

Ministry of Public Health, Lebanon

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Vaccine Immunology 2024

About Conference

Welcome from the official site of the 6th World Congress on Antibody and Immunology. This occasion is planned to happen in the lovely city of Paris, France on November 28–29, 2024. This conference, which is committed to making strides worldwide wellbeing, gives a basic gathering for the sharing of novel experiences, ground-breaking thinks about, and inventive approaches related to immunizations, immunization, and immunization.

In arrange to move forward open wellbeing through immunization, we need to bring together analysts, therapeutic specialists, lawmakers, trade officials, advocates, and understudies in a collaborative air that ranges the information holes between think about, approach, and hone.


Why should Attend

  •  Immunologists: Researchers and scientists specializing in immunology.
  •  Vaccinologists: Experts focused on the development, testing, and implementation of vaccines.
  •  Epidemiologists: Professionals studying the distribution and determinants of health and diseases.
  •  Clinical Researchers: Individuals involved in clinical trials and vaccine testing.
  •  Public Health Officials: Those working in public health policy and vaccination programs.
  •  Medical Doctors: Particularly those in infectious diseases, pediatrics, and internal medicine.
  •  Microbiologists: Researchers studying microorganisms and their interactions with the immune system.
  •  Biotechnologists: Professionals working on vaccine development and biotechnological innovations.
  •  Pharmacologists: Experts in drug and vaccine interactions and development.
  •  Nurses and Healthcare Practitioners: Those involved in vaccination administration and patient education.
  •  Students and Trainees: Graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and medical trainees in related fields.
  •  Pharmaceutical Representatives: Individuals from companies involved in vaccine production and distribution.
  •  Regulatory Affairs Specialists: Professionals ensuring compliance with regulations in vaccine development.
  •  Veterinarians: Those involved in animal vaccinations and zoonotic diseases.
  •  Bioinformaticians: Experts in analyzing biological data related to immunology and vaccine development.
  •  Health Economists: Professionals assessing the economic impact of vaccines and immunization programs.
  •  Policy Makers: Individuals involved in shaping health policies and vaccination strategies.
  •  Educators: Professors and teachers in immunology and related fields.
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Representatives from organizations focused on global health and immunization initiatives.
  • Journalists and Science Communicators: Those reporting on advancements and issues in vaccine immunology.


Why to Attend

  • Embrace Innovation: Get involved at the cutting edge of vaccine development and research. Learn about the most recent developments, ground-breaking discoveries, and cutting-edge technology that are transforming the field of vaccination firsthand.
  • Global Networking: Connect with a varied group of people who share your interest for enhancing health outcomes through efficacious immunization tactics, ranging from seasoned professionals to up-and-coming talent. Create enduring relationships, consider joint ventures, and expand your network of professional contacts.
  • Knowledge Amplification: Attend stimulating keynote talks, take part in lively workshops, and attend sessions given by experts covering every aspect of vaccines, from development to effects on world health.
  • Impactful Insights: Gain a deeper comprehension of disease prevention, vaccine development, immunization regulations, and patient involvement. Bring home useful advice and best practices that will enable you to make noticeable progress at work.
  • Influential Experience: Take part in a two-day program that blends cultural immersion with academic stimulation. Take in the colorful and historic city of Paris while participating in thought-provoking conversations that could influence public health policy in the future.

Participation Option and Benefit

  1. Attendee

    • Benefit: Gain exposure to the latest research, trends, and advancements in vaccine immunology. Network with experts, researchers, and peers in the field.
  2. Presenter (Oral or Poster)

    • Benefit: Share your research findings with a broader audience, receive feedback, and enhance your professional profile. Presenting can also lead to potential collaborations.
  3. Workshop Participant

    • Benefit: Engage in hands-on sessions and practical learning experiences. Workshops often provide in-depth knowledge and skills in specific areas of vaccine immunology.
  4. Panelist or Moderator

    • Benefit: Lead discussions on important topics, gain visibility as an expert in the field, and shape the conversation around key issues in vaccine immunology.
  5. Exhibitor

    • Benefit: Showcase products, services, or research to a targeted audience. Exhibiting can help in marketing, generating leads, and establishing business connections.
  6. Organizer or Volunteer

    • Benefit: Gain valuable experience in event management, enhance your organizational skills, and build a network with key stakeholders in the field.

Benefits of Participation

  1. Knowledge Enhancement

    • Stay updated with the latest advancements, research findings, and technological developments in vaccine immunology.
  2. Networking Opportunities

    • Connect with leading scientists, researchers, clinicians, and industry professionals. Networking can lead to collaborations, mentorship, and career opportunities.
  3. Professional Development

    • Improve your skills and knowledge through presentations, workshops, and discussions. Presenting your research can also bolster your resume and professional credibility.
  4. Exposure and Recognition

    • Gain visibility for your work, ideas, and contributions to the field. Recognition at conferences can lead to awards, grants, and further research opportunities.
  5. Collaboration and Partnerships

    • Meet potential collaborators for future research projects, grant applications, or business ventures. Conferences often facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations.
  6. Career Advancement

    • Enhance your career prospects by learning about job opportunities, postdoctoral positions, and academic appointments. Networking can also provide insights into industry trends and demands.
  7. Publication Opportunities

    • Many conferences offer opportunities to publish your work in conference proceedings or associated journals, increasing your research's reach and impact.
  8. Policy Influence

    • Engage with policymakers and public health officials, contributing to discussions that shape public health policies and vaccination strategies.
  9. Innovation and Problem-Solving

    • Discover innovative solutions to current challenges in vaccine development and immunology. Engaging with diverse perspectives can spark new ideas and approaches.
  10. Continuing Education

    • Many conferences offer continuing education credits, which are essential for maintaining professional certifications and licenses.

Market Analysis

An organic arrangement known as an antibody offers dynamic procured assurance to a particular ailment. The most successful strategy of anticipating irresistible maladies is immunization; wide insusceptibility brought around by inoculation is generally mindful for the worldwide annihilation of variola and, subsequently, for the worldwide avoidance of ailments like poliomyelitis, measles, and tetanus.

Market examination of immunizations and immunology in 2024:

Global Wellbeing Concerns: The progressing COVID-19 widespread has brought immunizations and immunology to the cutting edge of worldwide wellbeing discourses. Showcase examination in 2024 would likely be intensely affected by the direction of the widespread, counting immunization rates, development of unused variations, and open wellbeing responses.

Technological Headways: Propels in immunization innovation, such as mRNA antibodies and novel conveyance frameworks, may proceed to shape the scene of antibody improvement and generation. Showcase examination would survey the affect of these progressions on immunization accessibility, adequacy, and distribution.

Government Arrangements: Government approaches and controls related to immunization, immunization programs, and open wellbeing financing will play a noteworthy part in forming the advertise flow. Changes in government needs or controls may affect immunization inquire about, fabricating, and distribution.

Disease Flare-ups: The development of unused irresistible illnesses or reemergence of existing ones can impact the request for antibodies and immunological items. Advertise investigation would assess the reaction to illness episodes and the potential advertise openings for antibodies focusing on these diseases.

Global Immunization Activities: Worldwide endeavors to make strides immunization scope, such as through activities by organizations like the World Wellbeing Organization (WHO) and Gavi, the Immunization Collusion, will affect the showcase examination. Assessing the viability of these activities and their suggestions for antibody markets will be important.

Research and Advancement: Progressing inquire about in immunology, counting endeavors to create immunizations for maladies such as HIV/AIDS, intestinal sickness, tuberculosis, and cancer, will contribute to the showcase examination. Surveying the advance of inquiries about pipelines and the potential commercialization of unused antibodies will be key considerations.

Public Recognition and Antibody Aversion: Open demeanors towards immunization, immunization aversion, and deception campaigns can impact antibody take-up and showcase elements. Showcase examination may incorporate evaluations of open recognition, communication procedures, and endeavors to address antibody reluctance.


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 28-29, 2024

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Immunobiology Journal of Immunological Techniques & Infectious Diseases Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by